
Algeria Water Conservancy Engineering Company Customizes New Gantry Crane

Dongqi Crane Company recently successfully completed the upgrade and installation of five gantry cranes for a water conservancy engineering company in Algeria and the replacement of bridge cranes in the factory’s internal production line. These technological innovations not only improved the performance of the equipment, but also made the water conservancy project more efficient. Provides strong protection.
In water conservancy projects, gantry cranes that move over long distances and operate on rails play a vital role. The refurbished gantry crane is mainly responsible for handling concrete tube forming frames and loading dried and dismantled formwork. In order to meet the engineering requirements for high precision and efficiency, the refurbished gantry crane uses a new electric hoist, equipped with power supply cables, radio control systems, switch cabinets and cable drums to ensure stable operation of the equipment in complex environments.
Factory gantry crane and bridge crane installation and modification process
Gantry cranes that move over long distances and operate on rails are responsible for handling the concrete tube forming frames and loading the dried and dismantled formwork. A 32 tonne capacity system capable of operating at a height of 17m was required to handle the heavy but fragile handling loads.
Five gantry cranes were refurbished with new electric hoists as well as power supply cables, radio control systems, switchgear and cable drums.
The electric hoist has a hook with safety latch and can travel safely vertically or horizontally with loads up to 80 tonnes and lifting heights of 6m-98m.
To fit within the narrow 155mm wide runway of the existing gantry crane, the crane company proposed a custom-made trolley with 16 rollers to evenly distribute load stresses.
The production lines within the factory were also refurbished and two bridge cranes were replaced. Like the external crane, the end beam and girder are retained, while an M6 electric hoist is installed, providing a lifting capacity of 7.5t at a height of 10m and a span of 20m.
Innovation of Crane Technology in Hydraulic Engineering
In the vast field of water conservancy engineering, crane companies play a crucial role. They not only provide advanced lifting equipment, but also ensure the smooth and efficient completion of water conservancy projects through technological innovation and high-quality services. This article will take Dongqi Crane as an example to explore the role that crane companies should play in water conservancy engineering and how to do better.

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